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The Mature, Elegant Woman (Beginner)
Buy me a coffee to say thank you for the podcast! === Silna is a tired, old school teacher. But she isn't that old, so why do people keep thinking she is? Then she has an idea: she will lie about her age! But her plan doesn't work as well as she hopes... Today's story is The Mature, Elegant Woman...
Strange Friends (Advanced)
Book a class with me! If you book a package of 10 classes, you can get 33% off: EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Classes A cat and a mouse live together as friends, and what strange friends that makes! One day, the cat suggests they store some food for the winter, so they buy a pot of fat and hide it in ...
The Light at the Bottom of the Sea (Pre-Intermediate)
Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zumPreis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Oktober 2024. Einfach auf https://www.babbel.com/audio einlösen und loslegen. Żgugina lives on the coast of Malta with her son. When pirates attack, she rushes to the church t...
A Visitor from Chilly Bottom (Intermediate)
Today's story I wrote with Alastair Budge from the English Learning for Curious Minds podcast. In last week's episode, we brainstormed the story together, and today we present to you A Visitor from Chilly Bottom. A man who has lived in Antarctica all his life visits the UK for the first time. Tec...
The Water Monster (Intermediate)
Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zum Preis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Dezember 2023. Einfach auf babbel.com/audio einlösen und loslegen. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Support. Your support is apprecia...
Bonus Episode: How Long Until I Get Fluent in English? with The Level Up English Podcast
Today we have a bonus episode from The Level Up English Podcast with Michael Lavers, answering the question 'How long does it take to get fluent in English?'. Get the transcript here: https://www.levelupenglish.school/podcast213/ Here are the key lessons from the episode: There is no “100%” in la...
The Most Wanted Woman in Town (Pre-Intermediate)
Buy me a coffee to say thank you for the podcast! === Content warning: this episode contains suggestions of domestic violence. Ada needs help to get rid of her awful boyfriend, Quinn. She goes to Hartwood Head, where a powerful sorceress lives, The Most Wanted Woman in Town. This woman announces ...
The Three Feathers (Beginner)
Everyone thinks Stu is stupid, and his father, the King, wants to give the kingdom to one of his brothers. But when he has a competition to decide who will get the kingdom, Stu does better than expected. He gets the help of a strange toad, who might end up being more than just a helper... Today's...
The Spider's Thread (Pre-Intermediate)
Buy me a coffee to say thank you for the podcast! === Kandata was an evil thief when was alive, and now he lives in Hell. Buddha remembers a time when Kandata did good, and decides to give him a chance to show that he isn't truly evil. Will Kandata become good, or is he simply a bad person? Today...
The Shadow Club #6: Just a Stick
Buy me a coffee to say thank you for the podcast! === Larry sees a shadow in the bathroom, but when they look, it's disappeared. Bethany is following them and asking what they're looking for. Finally, they see the kid who Ms Knight shouted at, and when they're talking to him, something happens......
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