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Aleksei Darkovsky

Author’s note

Who are mentors and what purpose do they serve in our lives? Probably, each of us at least once asked this question.

For someone, the closest people – parents or foster parents, sisters, brothers, grandmothers and grandfathers become the mentors. Often, being an adult, a person finds someone who is able to instruct and lead, for example, a friend, colleague, husband or wife. There are people who might not have advisers – they are going through life steadily and independently. And some never had a wise mentor, although they wanted so much to find him or her…

Of course, the first mentors we meet when we come into the world. Family becomes the mainstay of the defenseless baby. And then, everything depends on the twists of fate and, surprisingly, on the personality of the growing-up child.


The line of this story is based on a real history of relationships at different life stages. Such stories can happen to anyone. But did each of us wonder – who helped me to become a person? Who defined my hero? Who pointed me to my virtues and talents?

Perhaps you have already found your mentors long time ago and thank them with all the heart. Or are you still looking for people who would share their precious experiences with you? Anyway, this book will help you to find much to learn and be surprised of.

Chapter 1

Recollecting the days of childhood, you involuntarily catch yourself thinking that parents were the only mentors at that time. Perhaps, for someone, they remained so for the rest of life. Some listened more to Mom, others – to Dad, for someone – both parents become idols and authorities forever.

But life goes on and we transit from home to kindergarten. A colorful society of peers is around and there are no moms and dads. Instead of them appear nursery teachers. Little children, unwittingly, look in them a substitution of their parents. Boys try to liken a mother to a teacher, and girls – a father. If it is possible to find this similarity, the child unconsciously considers the teacher to be a new mentor. And children who do not see any relative feature in the teacher are constantly crying and asking their parents to take them home as soon as possible.

Perhaps, dear reader, you will object that there are many teachers and each of them considers himself to be the boss over the children. But does each of them deserve to be called a mentor?

The question is accepted! Moreover, I recall one case that, perhaps, will become an irrefragable answer.

It was in summer of the distant 1989. In our group there was a teacher being with whom we felt like behind a stone wall. When it was necessary, she suggested and praised, and for the cause she called over the coals. But one day our beloved mentor went on vacation, and we were put to another teacher.

At first everything was going fine. Dinners, classes, walking. On one of these walks, we, children, wanted an adventure. Well, what’s wrong with that, the children adore everything new and unusual. We climbed on a tree, but one boy has broken. It is good that he landed successfully – on his back. We got scared and surrounded the injured friend.

And what about the new teacher? She talked to another teacher and continued to do so. She did not even come to us. Of course, we were then too small, and did not particularly understand the behavior of adults. But one of the boys, named Aleksei, muttered:

– Our teacher would not allow such a thing!

Of course, we cannot guess the train of thought of another person and understand why he or she acted one way or another. But this case confirms my idea – people cannot bear to be a mentor – they become to be those.

Surprisingly, but both of these women remain in

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