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Love And Grow Rich. 17 Golden Rules For Your Success
Original Pack
Al Trumpa

© Al Trumpa, 2019

ISBN 978-5-4496-4418-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Dedicated to

my Greatest Teachers

Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie,

whose works really saved my life.

Perhaps, this humble work of mine, concerning the secrets of self-improvement, will also help everyone in need, somebody who is really in need now…

– — —

With love and respect for
all the people on the Earth,
and for all the people’s
Big Hearts in our small Universe!


Is it really possible to be both rich and happy at the same time? A person who wants to be rich will answer that it’s good to be rich. A person whose sense of life isn’t about money, but about happiness most likely will also respond in the standard way, that “perhaps” happiness isn’t about money. But a person who strives to be both rich and happy will choose the only correct version – “I want to be both rich and happy! I want to be a millionaire and I want to be very rich and lucky in my life”.


This book contains secrets and tips for achieving not only “standard wealth”, but also some keys to personal happiness in the small world of BIG PEOPLE and BIG MONEY.

It can be said that this is both “reasonable happiness” and “happy wealth”. What kind of millionaire to be good in general, ideally: to be rich or to be happy? Loving or not loving? Being loved or not being? Okay, let’s say this way: what is the best thing for you: just to be happy or just get rich?

A person who wants to be rich will answer that it is good to be rich. A person whose sense of life is not about money, but about happiness, most likely, will also respond in the standard way, that “perhaps” happiness is not about money…

But a person who strives to be both rich and happy will choose for himself the only correct option: “I want to be rich and happy at the same time! I want to be a millionaire and I want to be very rich and lucky in my life!”.

N’est-ce pas? (in English here is “Isn’t it so?”“Right?”, “Am I right?”).

Is it really possible to be both rich and happy at the same time? After all, everyone is familiar to only one state of things: you are either rich and unhappy, or you are happy, but not tenable in your finance, if that is not worse.

The answer is “Yes, Man!” Of course, you can be both rich and happy. But only if you agree to yourself to have it in your life. However, first answer this question: “Whom do you live here for – on this earth, in this life: for yourself or for nobody at all?”

I understand, the question is extraordinary, it can confuse everyone. In fact, there are people in the world who live for nobody at all – neither for themselves nor for others. Yes, and they do not live at all. They are just here for a tick here, to make a small mark, instead of full happy living…

Well. I personally do not like this life! I want to give you what life gives to you – The Love and The Knowledge. This is the Real Power. The Power to live for yourself and enjoy such a happy, full and secure way of life.

This book represents a significant “reset” of the main points of my greatest teachers, Mr. Napoleon Hill and Mr. Dale Carnegie. Here are the new knowledge, that is represented taking into account the changed reality. After all, those principles that worked before, today work less efficiently, if they do not fail at all. The world is moving, and we also should not stand in one place!

This book has all the 16 rules of The Great Mentor. However, these rules have been revised and carefully @|“reloaded”|@ for The New Time – our era. Something removed and replaced, because it is focused on modernity. Of course, because of the practical “uselessness” of unnecessary material, in order to avoid the accumulation of information and save YOUR TIME. Because everything that a reader needs to read – after all, one can find all the details and details in the classic version by himself.

But there are TWO inquisitive BONUS for you here – the 17th rule! That thing, what no one has ever talked about in this topic and in this series in general. You will find out that is a pure revelation – brand-new “opening”. Believe me, this will be a very impressive revelation! And also you are waited by the magnificent “Mottos of magic intention”, developed in the course of daily practice and spells.

These “Mottos” are the mottos of a real Power, capable not only of motivating, but of inspiring you for making the best version of your Life by YOURSELF – to create a real miracle and psychological magic!

And May the Power of Love be With You!

Frankly, when I started my business many years ago, I really expected to get rich and be a millionaire at once. I wanted to get everything right now! I didn’t get it… But then I just wanted to have a lot of money and a lot of beautiful things: a house, a penthouse, a hotel, cars, motorcycles, clubs, restaurants, yachts. I wanted to have relationships with the most beautiful women in the world. Who does not want this?

In general, I just wanted to get all the elements of a luxurious life. And that was the problem that I just wanted to have luxury, not appreciating all this, while not having happiness and love. A truly rich life without love and happiness is worse than poverty. No matter how rich you are, sooner or later you still become familiar with it. This is the fear of being alone, the fear of loneliness, the fear that even the poor and middle class people have a beloved one. And what about you? Do you have a beloved person in you life? Although, you probably already begin to feel it somewhere very deep into your subconscious. This is a really scary thing.

But I did not get all this luxury and wealth the way I wanted it. I did not receive it until I connected it to my banal desire and to my beautiful dream also something more beautiful than all the money and wealth in the world. Although I must say, this something “beautiful thing” was given to me with great difficulty. At first I had nothing. Then I started my business. I thought that it was good enough. Then everything crashed. Years of wandering, years of depression, years of frustration – in short, all these empty years going to nowhere.

But I somehow came across with the very powerful books in the World – the books of Mr. Napoleon Hill, and then also the books of Mr. Dale Carnegie, whose works I respect comprehensively and love with all the deepness. And it hit me a lot. Then, based on these ideas and the laws of success, I also made my first mistakes, my first really BIG mistakes. Moreover, the first major blunders. It was also a shame that these major tragedies were now “adults”, because those were deliberate mistakes.

Using the techniques and methods of my Saviors (even two “Guardian Angels” I can say) – Mr. Hill and Mr. Carnegie, I, of course, made some progress. The only good point was that success and results were permanent. And it was a really working key-trump card, which I could not understand for many years – constancy and once again constancy… Constancy is a very important thing in our life.

But only many years later I realized something else. Something very unique and extraordinary… It is impossible to keep afloat constantly, if you do not have the Power of Love. This Power helps to awaken faith in oneself. This Power helps push something inside you that make you keep always staying alive, breathe and move even. This Power instills a full-fledged confidence in everything: in itself, in your relatives and friends, and in your friends and colleagues, and in general in all your partners. Only love can be stable. But this should be the Love for your own Heart. And the Love from your own Soul.

If Love comes from your own Heart, you know and feel the secret of true happiness and success. Even intimate happiness and success. This is the power that moves you to wealth, to YOUR MILLIONS.

But don’t try to run too fast for money and the glitz of wealth. Set a goal first. Set a goal first: to live. Then to enjoy your life. And no matter how bad and unsuccessful it may be. Remember, you still have some time to live on this Earth! And spend this precious time with benefit, with love, with kindness and gratitude. Do not waste your time on evil, aggression, envy and revenge…

Yes… Dear Lord! Now… And only now and many long years after, I realize that I would not have received all my millions, with the house of my dream, my big “male toy” Nissan Pathfinder, and indeed this “happy set” – the desired lifestyle that I aspired to if it would not be this great, but very simple thing – Love.

Love for yourself, love for everything in this world. Love without pressure and without tension. There was a time, I generally gave up my desires and goals, threw everything, was offended. But only thanks to you, Love, and only thanks to you, Heart, I got everything I wanted. And besides, following such an expensive trial and error, I could also survive! And I really survived by these days!

But that was a truly wonderful time and valuable experience.

– —
I Thank the whole Universe!
I Thank my Love and Heart!
With love for everyone and everything.
Your simple guy,
Al Trumpa.

Chapter 1. A heart that loves itself and the life!

Rule #1. You have a Heart – so love your Heart and love your Life!

It’s not only thoughts that solve everything. Feelings and emotions are much more powerful tools. But the strongest among all of your body organs is your HEART!

Each of us has a heart. And do not punish yourself by taking it away from yourself! Stop taking your heart from yourself. If you take away your heart, you will be poor and die. And this is the cruel truth. Do not run from it. Look the truth straight! And then smile at this truth – “smile” with your heart!

If you give away or drive away your heart, return it to yourself. Just speak to him again, talk to him, and it will quickly respond. Be sure, it will return to you – it will run to you with joy, like your favorite pet!

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