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Legends That Every Child Should Know; a Selection of the Great Legends of All Times for Young People
Legends That Every Child Should Know; a Selection of the Great Legends of All Times for Young PeopleHamilton Wright Mabie Legends That Every Child Should Know CHAPTER I HAWATHA WIGWAM LEGEND OF HIAWATHA [Footnote: This story is ascribed to Abraham le Fort, an Onondaga chief, a graduate of Geneva ...
Essays on Work and Culture
Essays on Work and CultureHamilton Wright Mabie Essays on Work and Culture Chapter I Tool or Man? A complete man is so uncommon that when he appears he is looked upon with suspicion, as if there must be something wrong about him. If a man is content to deal vigorously with affairs, and leave art,...
Heroes Every Child Should Know
Heroes Every Child Should KnowHamilton Wright Mabie Heroes Every Child Should Know INTRODUCTION TO "HEROES EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW" If there had been no real heroes there would have been created imaginary ones, for men cannot live without them. The hero is just as necessary as the farmer, the sai...
Under the Trees and Elsewhere
Under the Trees and ElsewhereHamilton Wright Mabie Under the Trees and Elsewhere Chapter I An April Day My study has been a dull place of late; even the open fire, which still lingers on the hearth, has failed to exorcise a certain gray and weary spirit which has somehow taken possession of the p...
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