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My Favourite Wife

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My Favourite Wife

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2018 год


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The world-wide, mega selling author of Man and Boy is back with a sizzling, Shanghai tale of sex, romance and second wivesHot shot young lawyer Bill Holden and his wife Becca move with their four year old daughter to the booming, gold-rush city of Shanghai, a place of enormous wealth and crushing poverty, where fortunes are made and foreign marriages come apart in spectacular fashion.Bill's law firm houses the Holden family in Paradise Mansions – a luxury apartment block where newly rich Chinese men install their second wives: fabulous young beauties like JinJin Li, ex-school teacher, crossword addict and the Holdens' neighbour.After Becca witnesses a tragedy that awakens her to the reality of life beyond the glitzy surface of the city, she returns temporarily to London with Holly – and Bill and JinJin are thrown together.Bill wants to be a better man than the millionaire who keeps JinJin Li as a second wife on the side. A better man than anyone who cheats. Becca is his best friend. And, in the end, adrift without his young family, can he give JinJin anything better than she had before?My Favourite Wife is a book about where sex, romance and obsession ends, and where true love begins.

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