«Dying Light» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Stuart MacBride на MyBook.ru
Dying Light

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Dying Light

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2008 год


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О книге

The Number One bestselling detective series from the award-winning Stuart MacBride continues in this second crime thriller. It's summertime in Scotland: the sun is shining, the sky is blue and people are dying…

She's just the first. How many more will die?

It starts with Rosie Williams, a prostitute, stripped naked and beaten to death down by the docks – the heart of Aberdeen's red light district. For DS Logan McRae it's a bad start to another bad day.

Rosie won't be the only one making an unscheduled trip to the morgue. Across the city six people are burning to death in a petrol-soaked squat, the doors and windows screwed shut from the outside. And despite Logan's best efforts, it's not long before another prostitute turns up on the slab…

An unputdownable serial killer tale packed with mystery and suspense, as well as Stuart MacBride's distinctive grittiness and dark humour.

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Дата написания: 
1 января 2016
Год издания: 