«I Will Survive» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Samantha Connolly на MyBook.ru
I Will Survive

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I Will Survive

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2019 год


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О книге

When mild-mannered librarian Jessie Banks ends up as a finalist on the hot reality-TV show Survive This!, her whole world turns upside down."Stranded" on a tropical island with Nick Garrett–a hunk of a host–and two other competitors, she's thousands of miles from home, with only her humor, her smarts and the contents of a clutch bag to help her win a million dollars.Will she survive the scheming producer's ways, tricky challenges, secret cameras, the theatrics of the other contestants and Nick's charm and flirty good looks? Well, with her book knowledge, practical skills and blossoming confidence, everyone else just might be surprised….May the best woman win!

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