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Secrets to Writing a Spiritual Novel

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Secrets to Writing a Spiritual Novel

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2011 год


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О книге

Writing a novel is not easy. Not everyone has the temperament, drive and passion to see the job through to publication. Many talented people with wonderful ideas stumble and make "rookie" mistakes which hurt the chances of their books ever becoming a success.

While geared toward those writing a “Spiritual” based novel, this book is designed to help the novice or intermediate writer avoid the most common pitfalls regardless of the genre in which they are working.

The author, Rod Pennington has published 8 novels including “The Fourth Awakening.” TFA has regularly been #1 in the Amazon Kindle category “Best Sellers in Mysticism & New Age Religion” since its release in 2009. It is also been #1 in multiple other Kindle categories in both the US and the UK. The recently released follow up, “The Gathering Darkness (The Fourth Awakening Series)” has moved into the top ten of multiple Kindle categories including being #1 in the UK: “Bestsellers in Metaphysical & Visionary Fiction.”

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Дата написания: 
1 января 2011
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