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That Mccloud Woman

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That Mccloud Woman

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2019 год


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THE BACHELOR'S CREED Never settle down! That didn't mean Jack Cordell couldn't work side by side with Alayna McCloud, even if she was the sexiest lady west of the Mississippi. And his instincts to slip his boots under her bed, a ring on her finger and passion into her soul – well, the Texas sun was playing tricks on his tattered heart.Because a love-wary loner didn't have a blame thing to offer a lady like Alayna. Still, Jack detected a sadness beneath her perfection. And it was time the ultimate do-gooder let him do some good… and turn that McCloud woman into that McCloud bride!TEXAS BRIDES: Come on down to the McCloud family ranch – 'cause there's no place like Texas for a wedding!

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