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Elphame's Choice

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Elphame's Choice

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2019 год


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О книге

From the bestselling author of the «House of Night» series comes the award-winning world of Partholon, rich in goddesses, intrigue and magic.Part-human, part-centaur, Elphame has always been different. OK, make that very different. The hundreds of shimmering butterflies sent by the goddess Etain to mark her birth were only the beginning. When Elphame is asked to breathe new life into the remote MacCallan Castle, she goes along with it (well stranger things have happened. . . ) and finally she's found her true calling.But Elphame hadn't banked on her life being threatened when the bizarre Fomorian descendents (bat-like humans – it's a long story) return to MacCallen with their own devastating agenda. Nor the fact that she may have finally found her lifemate. . . at the most inconvenient time!

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