«A Lawman for Christmas» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Marie Ferrarella на MyBook.ru
A Lawman for Christmas

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A Lawman for Christmas

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2019 год


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О книге

To Kelsey Marlowe, policemen spell one thing–T-R-O-U-B-L-E. So she struggles to resist Officer Morgan Donnelly's charms even though he'd gallantly come to her mother's aid. But when her family insists on meeting the man who'd saved their beloved matriarch, she finds herself unbelievingly tempted to kiss him under the mistletoe.Talk about trouble…Becoming involved with the Marlowe clan was not what Morgan has in mind. He doesn't do entanglements–yet he can't help wanting to become entangled with Kelsey in more ways than one. He's never put much stock in holiday presents before, so why is she quickly moving to the top of his wish list?

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