«The Third Mrs. Mitchell» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Lynnette Kent на MyBook.ru
The Third Mrs. Mitchell

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The Third Mrs. Mitchell

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2019 год


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Meet the people of New Skye at the Carolina Diner. And hear all about their lives and loves!After failing at marriage–not once, but twice!–North Carolina state trooper Pete Mitchell intends to remain single, no matter what. But when he pulls over his first ex-wife's Porsche for speeding, seeing her casts a spell on him all over again.It could never work…could it?Mary Rose Bowdrey comes from a different world than Pete, a world of money and style. Ten years after the end of their brief marriage, their worlds collide when Mary Rose's niece and nephew get into trouble with the law and enter a rehabilitation program run by Pete. Since Mary Rose is helping her sister with the kids, she and Pete can't avoid each other. Maybe this shared responsibility shows they dohave more common ground than just the bedroom.With two strikes against him in the marriage game, can Pete make it work the third time around?

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