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A Kiss, A Kid And A Mistletoe Bride

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A Kiss, A Kid And A Mistletoe Bride

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2019 год


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О книге

VIRGIN BRIDESCelebrate the joys of first love with unforgettable stories by your most beloved authors.AN UNFORGETTABLE KISS….Years ago, Joe Carpenter had been tempted by beautiful Gabrielle O'Shea. But he wasn't going to be the one to initiate the achingly innocent schoolgirl into womanhood. Still, he couldn't resist stealing one magical kiss before disappearing into the night….A MISTLETOE BRIDE?Years later, Joe still remembered that kiss. And suddenly he was staring into Gabrielle's angelic face again. But Joe had more than his own heart to protect–he had his six-year-old son's. Would it take a Christmas miracle to become Joe's mistletoe bride?

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