«Beneath The Surface» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Linda Turner на MyBook.ru
Beneath The Surface

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Beneath The Surface

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2019 год


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When it came to men, definitely the former. But Abby Saunders was certainly aware that when it came to her boss–and his mysterious, possibly unsavory dealings–it could well be the latter.So when she was introduced to crack crime reporter Logan St. John, she was relieved. After all, it was unlikely that the still-grieving, if gorgeous, widower would be looking for a relationship–and maybe he could help her figure out how much trouble she was really in….As for Logan, his no-strings-attached connection with Abby was about to hit a snag. Oh, he could see how much danger she was in–spotting danger was his area of expertise, after all. Funny how he completely missed the signs around his heart….

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