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Cool Irish Names for Babies

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Cool Irish Names for Babies

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2019 год


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A must-have guide for parents-to-be everywhere. Whether you’re Irish, of Irish heritage or you simply love Celtic-inspired names, this book is packed full of the most popular, unusual and creative names around.By the best-selling authors of Cool Names for Babies and Brilliant Book of Baby Names, this collection takes you beyond the straightforward listings of other books and gives opinion on what’s hot and what’s not in the world of Irish baby names.The information given really helps parents to make the right choices and includes loads of original features – pronunciation guides; which names are going up and which down in popularity; which are unisex, which are good as middle but not first names; and which should really be avoided at all costs.Packed full of creative lists such as Names that are Classic But Not Boring, Place Names, Names from Literature, Spiritual Names and Names of Irish Heroes and Heroines this is every new parent’s one-stop guide to selecting the coolest Irish name for their baby.

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