«Death Trip» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Lee Weeks на MyBook.ru
Death Trip

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Death Trip

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2018 год


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О книге

Take a journey into the dark and dangerous world of Sunday Times bestseller Lee Weeks – if you dare…Every mother’s worst nightmare…Five missing teenagers. A refugee camp up in flames. A life ripped apart.Detective Johnny Mann is fighting to pick up the pieces of his life after the brutal murder of his father. When a woman approaches him on a sultry Amsterdam night, his world is rocked by a secret – a secret that will lead him across the world to Thailand, on an undercover hunt for five missing teens who have disappeared without trace on a volunteer trip. But what connects Mann to the vanished volunteers? Who is the woman in charge of their fates? And how far will Mann make it in a world of corruption and worse? DEATH TRIP is a dark, twisting read where nothing and nobody is quite what it seems.DEATH TRIP is the third thriller in Lee Weeks’ bestselling Johnny Mann series.

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