«Red Hot Lies» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Laura Caldwell на MyBook.ru
Red Hot Lies

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Red Hot Lies

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2018 год


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О книге

Usually I pride myself on my intuition. I listen to that voice that says, “Something bad is appening…” or maybe “Get out. Now. ”But on that Tuesday at the end of October, my psyche must have been protecting the one remaining day I still believed life was orderly and the universe liked me. Because I didn’t hear that voice. I never saw it coming. They say bad things happen in threes. When her fiancé, Sam, disappears on the same day her mentor and biggest client is killed, hotshot Chicago attorney Izzy McNeil starts counting. But trouble keeps coming. Sam is implicated in the client’s death, her apartment is broken into and it’s not just the authorities who are following her.Now, to find Sam and uncover her client’s murderer, Izzy will have to push past limits she never imagined. Luckily for her she’s always thrived under pressure, because her world is falling apart. Fast. And the trail of half-truths and lies is red-hot.

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