«The Drowned Village» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Kathleen McGurl на MyBook.ru
The Drowned Village

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The Drowned Village

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2018 год


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О книге

‘Drew me straight in and kept me hooked.’ Linda Finlay‘Really touching, a gently gripping mystery.’ Kerry BarrettBeneath the surface lie forgotten secrets…A village destroyedIt’s the summer of 1935 and eleven-year-old Stella Walker is preparing to leave her home forever. Forced to evacuate to make way for a new reservoir, the village of Brackendale Green will soon be lost. But before the water has even reached them, a dreadful event threatens to tear Stella’s family apart.An uncovered secretPresent day, and a fierce summer has dried up the lake and revealed the remnants of the deserted village. Now an old woman, Stella begs her granddaughter Laura to make the journey she can’t. She’s sure the village still holds answers for her but, with only days until the floodwaters start to rise again, Laura is in a race against time to solve the mysteries of Stella’s almost forgotten past.Haunting and evocative, The Drowned Village reaches across the decades in an unforgettable tale of love, loss and family.

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