«The Mighty Quinns: Marcus» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Kate Hoffmann на MyBook.ru
The Mighty Quinns: Marcus

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The Mighty Quinns: Marcus

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2019 год


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There's no better man—for a woman—than a Quinn Boat restorer Marcus Quinn is not going to sleep with the infamous Eden Ross. As soon as he discovers the poor little rich girl stowaway, he knows he should throw her overboard. Instead he tries his best to ignore her topless sunbathing and blatant teasing. But when that fails, what else can he do but give her exactly what she's asking for—frenzied, brain-numbing sex? And a little bit more. . .With her sex video scandal about to hit the tabloids, Eden Ross just wants to hide out on her daddy's boat for a while. Then she finds mouthwatering Marcus Quinn working onboard, and she can't deny herself a little fun. After all, if Marcus thinks she is some serial sexpot out to use him for his body, how can it hurt to prove him. . . right?

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