«Bound by a Baby» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Kate Hardy на MyBook.ru
Bound by a Baby

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Bound by a Baby

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2019 год


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О книге

Can a baby bring them together?Becoming guardian to her orphaned Godson is a heart-breaking honour for Emmy Jacobs. The real challenge will be sharing that honour with Godfather Dylan Harper! Having got off on the wrong foot, Emmy must now somehow get along with the brooding – and gorgeous – Dylan…Dylan never wanted a family. His own childhood was bad enough, so how could he ever be a father? But he promised his best friend he’d be there and he’s going to be. Caring for baby Tyler with a beautiful but emotional woman will test him to the limit. However, watching Emmy with Tyler shows Dylan a new side to her, and a new side to himself…**Winner of the RNA Rose award 2014**

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