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A Merry Little Christmas

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A Merry Little Christmas

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2019 год


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О книге

An absorbing novel about family, love and friendship from the bestselling author of Last Christmas.With four children, a Christmas cookbook to write, and her mum suffering from dementia, Cat Tinsall has plenty to juggle. When her eldest daughter, Mel, starts going off the rails, Cat has even more on her plate.Pippa Holliday adores her family, although often finds her hands full. When Dan is involved in a terrible accident, Pippa’s world is suddenly turned upside down.Balancing her job as a school teacher with twins and her step-son Steven isn’t easy for Marianne North. With her husband’s ex causing trouble, life is getting even trickier.As Cat, Pippa and Marianne help each other through a difficult year, they’re all hoping for a much brighter Christmas.

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