«Monster in the Mirror» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Jean Ure на MyBook.ru
Monster in the Mirror

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Monster in the Mirror

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2018 год


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A woolly dog and a fluffy cat live together in perfect harmony – until the arrival of a tiny kitten. Heartwarming story from a renowned author.Woffles is a dog. Very big and woolly.Stretch is a cat. Very smooth and slinky.But one day, this contented pair have a new addition to their family. A big ball of black fluff in the form of a very naughty kitten – Muffy – who holds up her claws with her nails sticking out so they look like pins on a pin cushion. And Muffy decides to play tricks on Woffles and mayhem ensues. It’s up to Stretch to restore harmony to the household . He does so by introducing Muffy to a monster – her own reflection in a long mirror in the upstairs bedroom. Muffy is tamed. Meanwhile Woffles, thinking there is a monster in the upstairs bedroom refuses to go anywhere near it, until persuaded to by Stretch to be brave. What confronts Woffles is a big and woolly dog. So Muffy the kitten seeks protection from the monster in the mirror from Woffles; And Woffles knows that he will be protected by the big woolly dog in the mirror!

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