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We Sink or Swim Together: An eShort love story

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We Sink or Swim Together: An eShort love story

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2019 год


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It was a matter of life and death …7 May 1915Gerda Nielsen is on her way from Brooklyn to Liverpool aboard the ill-fated Lusitania.Jack Walsh is returning to England to take up a post helping the war effort.As he and Gerda spend more and more time onboard together they realise that each has found someone very special.It’s the afternoon before they dock in Liverpool, and tragedy strikes. As the torpedoed ship lists to one side Jack and Gerda must make frightening decisions that become a matter of life or death …A beautiful, romantic and moving tale based on a tragic true story.***Don’t miss NO PLACE FOR A LADY, the epic historical love story by Gill Paul, out July 2015***

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