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Managing Anger: Simple Steps to Dealing with Frustration and Threat

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Managing Anger: Simple Steps to Dealing with Frustration and Threat

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2018 год


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Contains images best viewed on a tablet.Simple Steps to deal positively with anger and frustration.Anger is a natural emotional response to threat, hurt, frustaration or loss. As such, it’s a healthy survival tool – ‘Letting off Steam’ is a vital means of releasing a build-up of emotional pressure.But anger is also a dangerous force. Uncontrolled fury can lead to rash words, violence and destructiveness, while repressed rage can result in bitterness, stress, misery and guilt. Both extremes can seriously damage your health.In ‘Managing Anger’, Gael Lindenfield clearly explains the effects of anger on our minds and bodies, and suggets ways of dealing both with our own anger and that of other people.

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