«The Notorious Mrs. Wright» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Fay Robinson на MyBook.ru
The Notorious Mrs. Wright

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The Notorious Mrs. Wright

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2018 год


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The notorious Mrs. Wright–and the resourceful Mr. LewisPrivate investigator Whit Lewis is pursuing a case that has taken him to St. Augustine, Florida. His assignment: track down a woman named Susan Wright. A woman whose real name, he believes, is Emma Webster.Emma's family hired him to find her. She ran away as a teenager more than twenty years ago, leaving behind a trail of confusion and deception, of false identities and unanswered questions. Now «Susan Wright» lives in St. Augustine with her son, Tom; she owns a successful restaurant called–fittingly enough–Illusions.Whether she's Susan or Emma or both, it's part of Whit's job to get to know her; it's not part of his job to fall in love.

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