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Alaskan Fantasy

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Alaskan Fantasy

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2019 год


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О книге

WHO NEEDED PEACE AND QUIET WHEN YOU HAD ASSASSINS AND A SECOND SHOT AT LOVE? No matter how far he went, Sam Russell couldn't outrun his past. Not even in an epic race across the Alaskan wilderness. But surviving the harsh climate wasn't something Sam could do alone. Returning home to bask in the frozen sun, the last thing Special Agent Kat Sikes wanted was for reality to intrude.But fantasies didn't get any more real than Sam Russell. With his competitive intensity urging her on, she took his racing challenge–determined to beat him at his own game. Despite the subzero temperatures, the heat between them was undeniable. Out of control and breathless, the pair hurtled toward the finish line, only to await one last showdown on the snow and ice.

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