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Heads You Lose

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Heads You Lose

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2002 год


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Edward Lewis produced twenty-six feature films that garnered twenty-one Academy Awards and Nominations, eleven Golden Globes, the Palm d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, and a British Film Academy Award. Among the films are "Spartacus," "The River," "Missing," "Seconds," "Grand Prix," "The Fixer," "Seven Days in May," "Lonely are the Brave," "The Iceman Cometh," "Rhinoceros," and "Lost in the Stars."

"He was the co-executive producer of "The Thom Birds," which won four Emmy Awards, and produced the original production on Broadway of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

He received a Golden Globe Award for Best Producer of the Year, and a Screen Producers Guild Award as Best Producer of the Year.

He co-wrote two produced screenplays, "Spring Street," a play produced Off Broadway, "The Good Life," a musical produced at the Dynarsky Theatre in Hollywood, and "Ring-a-Ring-of-Rosy," selected for the Harold Prince Musical Theatre Program.

Mildred Lewis was executive producer of "Harold and Maude," co-producer of "Missing," "Executive Action," "Brothers," and "Ishi, Last of His Tribe."

She co-authored the screenplays for "Loveable Cheat" and "Brothers," the play "Spring Street," and the musical "Ring-a-Ring-of-Rosy."

She was an active, (though uncredited), advisor and collaborator in all the works of her husband.

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Дата написания: 
1 января 2002
Год издания: