«Falcon's Desire» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Denise Lynn на MyBook.ru
Falcon's Desire

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Falcon's Desire

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2018 год


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О книге

EMBOLDENED BY GRIEF, LYONESSE OF RYONNE HAD DONE THE IMPOSSIBLEby ensnaring the infamous Rhys of Faucon, the blackguard who had shattered her dreams. But now imprisoned in her castle's tower, the Mighty Falcon posed an even greater threat, for his slightest touch made her heart take wing and sent her soaring…straight into his powerful arms!The Devil Faucon, they called him, yet Rhys was pleased, for it kept his enemies at bay. Unfortunately the lovely Lyonesse counted herself among them, despite the desire that flared between them. And their uneasy truce would soon be destroyed when she learned a newfound alliance bound her to him as his bride.

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