«Oklahoma Bride» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Carol Finch на MyBook.ru
Oklahoma Bride

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Oklahoma Bride

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2018 год


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О книге

YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!To a woman who was all fire, sass and temptation that was a hell of a hello! But army major Rafe Hunter had no choice. Karissa Baxter was a «Sooner» attempting to secure the homestead she wanted before the start of the Land Run, danger–and rules–be damned! But what about what he wanted? And what if what he wanted was her?WHO DID RAFE HUNTER THINK HE WAS?All spit and polish, and with Eastern money to boot! Unlike the hardscrabble types Karissa was used to, he could never understand what drove her to go after her dreams. So how had he managed to quick-march his way into her heart?

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