«Cold Ridge» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Carla Neggers на MyBook.ru
Cold Ridge

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Cold Ridge

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2018 год


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Carine Winters accepts the job of photographing Sterling Rancourt's historic Boston home knowing she's taking a risk–she could run into Tyler North, the pararescuer who once saved Rancourt's life and the man who all but left Carine at the altar a year ago. Then Carine finds a body in Rancourt's house–and the prime suspect in the murder is Tyler North's best friend. Tyler is returning from a rescue mission on dangerous Cold Ridge in northern New Hampshire when he hears about the murder. Tyler goes to see his friend Manny, expecting him to ask for help.Instead, Manny urges Tyler to protect Carine, to take her back to Cold Ridge, away from the temptation to meddle in a murder investigation. What Manny knows is that Carine's at the center of a deadly game. And the only person she can trust is the person she vowed never to trust again: Tyler North.But they're running out of time–because a killer has followed them to Cold Ridge…a killer who has put a murderous plan in motion, with stakes higher than anyone can imagine.

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