«Make Me Yours» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Betina Krahn на MyBook.ru
Make Me Yours

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Make Me Yours

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2018 год


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О книге

Mariah Eller was only trying to save her inn from being trashed.So how did the widow manage to attract the unwanted–and erotic–attention of the Prince of Wales? Not that being desired by royalty is necessarily bad. . .Only, Mariah much prefers the prince's best friend. . . . Jack St. Lawrence is very tempting, and very loyal. And he knows that the prince gets involved only with married women. So he figures sexy Mariah is safe. . . until the prince demands Jack find her a husband!The problem? Jack and Mariah can't fight their sizzling attraction. And once they give in to their desires, the situation is even worse. Because the prince's man has found a husband for Mariah. Himself. . .

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