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A Recipe for Disaster: A deliciously feel-good romance

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A Recipe for Disaster: A deliciously feel-good romance

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2019 год


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Life’s not always a piece of cake…Meet Lucy, master wedding cake baker, idealistic school canteen crusader, and someone whose broken heart just won’t seem to mend…Lucy is quietly confident that she has made the right choices in life. Surrounded by friends and family in a small country town, Lucy can easily suppress the feeling that something is missing from her life.But when a blast from the past arrives in the form of her estranged husband, international celebrity chef Oliver Murray, Lucy’s carefully constructed life begins to crumble beneath her like overbaked meringue.Is Oliver’s return all business or is it motivated by something more?A Recipe for Disaster starts long after most love stories would have ended, proving it is never too late to offer someone a second slice of cake or a second chance.Perfect for fans of Carole Mathews, Mhairi McFarlane and Carrie Hope Fletcher.

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