Цитаты из книги «Robin Hood / Рассказы о Робин Гуде» Неустановленного автора📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook.

Цитаты из книги «Robin Hood / Рассказы о Робин Гуде»


He paced up and down the hall,
12 декабря 2019


beat or hang them without trial,
12 декабря 2019


treated him roughly and dragged
11 декабря 2019


The arrow of Sir Guy’s archer whizzed through the air and landed just left of the bull’s eye.
22 марта 2019


ngland was ruled by Richard, a Saxon king. He was
9 сентября 2018


“I have great news for you,” he said to Robin, but he stopped when he saw the monk. “Don’t worry about him. He is one of us.” Will continued, “Sir Guy, his men and Lady Marian will be passing through Sherwood on their way to Kenilworth Castle. They are taking with them caravans carrying gold, jewels and baggage!” “That is good news indeed!” said Robin. “Come, let’s hurry. We must give Sir Guy and his guests a proper welcome.”
23 июня 2015
