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Pronombres en inglés con ejemplos
Artsun Akopyan

© Artsun Akopyan, 2020

ISBN 978-5-0050-6899-6

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Pronombres en Inglés con ejemplos: pronombres personales, demostrativos, posesivos, reflexivos, indefinidos, recíprocos, interrogativos y relativos.

Este libro es para estudiantes de Inglés como segunda lengua (ESL). Contiene todos los pronombres que se usan en el Inglés hablado. Aprenderás a usar los pronombres mediante ejemplos, ilustraciones y ejercicios, en lugar de mediante teoría.

Todas las imágenes utilizadas en este libro se publican bajo una licencia Pixabay License.

¿Qué es un pronombre?

Los pronombres son palabras que se usan para sustituir a nombres o a sintagmas nominales.

Por ejemplo, I, you, he, she, himself, herself, this, that, who, whose, someone, y demás.

Lista de pronombres y adjetivos posesivos usados en este libro

Pronombres personales de sujeto: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.

Pronombres personales de objeto: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.

Pronombres demostrativos: this, that, these, those.

Adjetivos posesivos (determinantes): my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

Pronombres posesivos: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.

Pronombres reflexivos: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, oneself.

Pronombres indefinidos: one, ones, no one, nobody, none, nothing, some, any, somebody, anybody, someone, anyone, something, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, both, each, all, either, neither, another, other, others, many, few, little, much, plenty, several, less, more, most.

Pronombres recíprocos: each other, one another.

Pronombres interrogativos: who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whichever, whatever.

Pronombres relativos: that, who, whom, whose, which, whoever, whatever, whichever.

I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they

Las palabras I, you, he, she, it, we, you, y they son pronombres personales de sujeto.

I am

Aprende las palabras:

I – yo

man – hombre

woman – mujer

am – soy

a (an) – un/una

Estudia los ejemplos:

am a man.

am a woman.

You are

Aprende las palabras:

you – tú

boy – chico

girl – chica

child – niño/a

are – eres

not – no

too – también

Estudia los ejemplos:

You are a boy.

You are not a man.

You are a child.

You are a girl.

You are not a woman.

You are a child, too.

He / she is

Aprende las palabras:

he – él

she – ella

old – mayor

old man – hombre mayor

old woman – mujer mayor

is – es

Estudia los ejemplos:

He is an old man.

He is not a boy.

He is not a child.

She is an old woman.

She is not a girl.

She is not a child.

It is

Aprende las palabras:

it – eso

milk – leche

bottle – botella

milk bottle – botella de leche

cat – gato

baby – bebé

Estudia los ejemplos:

It is milk.

It is a bottle.

It is a milk bottle.

It is a cat.

It is a baby.

We are

Aprende las palabras:

we – nosotros/as

young – jóvenes

men – hombres

young men – hombres jóvenes

women – mujeres

young women – mujeres jóvenes

Estudia los ejemplos:

We are men.

We are young men.

We are not old men.

We are women.

We are young women.

We are not old women.

You are

Aprende las palabras:

you – vosotros/as

boys – chicos

girls – chicas

children – niños/as

and – y

Estudia los ejemplos:

You are boys.

You are girls.

You are boys and girls.

You are children.

You are not men and women.

They are

Aprende las palabras:

they – ellos/as

people – gente

Estudia los ejemplos:

They are people.

They are young and old.

They are young and old people.

They are men, women and children.

Revisión: Unidades 1—7

Completa las oraciones.

1. I ____ a man.

2. She ____ a woman.

3. She ____ an old woman.

4. I ____ a woman.

5. It ____ milk.

6. They ______ people.

7. You ______ children.

8. He ____ an old man.

9. ______ are a boy.

10. ____ is a bottle.

11. You ______ girls.

12. It ____ a baby.

13. They ______ young and old.

14. He ____ not a boy.

15. ______ are not a man.

16. You ______ a child.

17. You ______ not men and women.

18. We ______ young women.

19. It ____ a milk bottle.

20. ______ are a girl.

21. She ____ not a girl.

22. We ______ young men.

23. You ______ boys.

24. It ____ a cat.

25. You ______ not a woman.

26. He ____ not a child.

27. You ______ boys and girls.

28. We ______ not old men.

29. She ____ not a child.

30. They ______ young and old people.

31. We ______ not old women.

32. They ______ men, women and children.


1. I am a man.

2. She is a woman.

3. She is an old woman.

4. I am a woman.

5. It is milk.

6. They are people.

7. You are children.

8. He is an old man.

9. You are a boy.

10. It is a bottle.

11. You are girls.

12. It is a baby.

13. They are young and old.

14. He is not a boy.

15. You are not a man.

16. You are a child.

17. You are not men and women.

18. We are young women.

19. It is a milk bottle.

20. You are a girl.

21. She is not a girl.

22. We are young men.

23. You are boys.

24. It is a cat.

25. You are not a woman.

26. He is not a child.

27. You are boys and girls.

28. We are not old men.

29. She is not a child.

30. They are young and old people.

31. We are not old women.

32. They are men, women and children.

Me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them

Las palabras me, you, him, her, it, us, you, y them son pronombres personales de objeto.


it’s = it is

Aprende las palabras:

me – yo

look – mirar

at – a

look at – mirar a

can – poder

mirror – espejo

recognize – reconocer

in – en

mask – máscara

Estudia los ejemplos:

It’s me. (Inglés informal, uso moderno)

It is I. (Inglés formal, uso antiguo)

(It’s me. = It is I.)

Look at me!

Can you see me?

Can you see me in the mirror?

Can you recognize me?

Can you recognize me in the mask?


Aprende las palabras:

cannot – no poder

hear – oír

but – pero

yes – sí

Estudia los ejemplos:

Is it you, Jack?

I can see you.

I can hear you.

I cannot recognize you.

I can see and hear you, but I cannot recognize you.

Yes, it is you!


Aprende las palabras:

him – él

king – rey

beat – ganar

compete – competir

with – con

compete with – competir con

disobey – desobedecer

argue – discutir

argue with – discutir con

Estudia los ejemplos:

Is it Batman?

Yes, it is him! (Inglés informal)

Is it King Arthur?

Yes, it is he. (Inglés formal)

(it is him = it is he)

It is Batman.

Can you compete with him?

Yes. I can beat him.

It is King Arthur.

Can you disobey him?

Yes, I can argue with him.


Aprende las palabras:

her – ella

who – quién

bride – novia

queen – reina

no – no

left – izquierda

right – derecha

on – a

on the left – a la izquierda

on the right – a la derecha

do – (verbo auxiliar)

does – (verbo auxiliar tercera persona del singular)

look – mirar

like – gustar

look like – parecerse

admire – admirar

ask – preguntar

Estudia los ejemplos:

Who is the bride? Is it Maria?

Yes, it’s her. (Inglés informal)

Is it Queen Elizabeth?

Yes, it is she. (Inglés formal)

No, it is not she!

(it is her = it is she)

The woman on the left is a bride.

Do you like her?

I admire her.

The woman on the right is not Queen Elizabeth.

She does not look like her.

Ask her who she is!


Aprende las palabras:

it – ello

monkey – mono

cute – adorable

hold – sostener

holding – sosteniendo

play – tocar

flute – flauta

Estudia los ejemplos:

It is a cute monkey.

Do you like it?

I like it!

The monkey is holding a flute.

Can the monkey play it?

Can it play it?

The monkey cannot play the flute.

The monkey cannot play it.

It cannot play it.


Aprende las palabras:

us – nosotros/as

friend – amigo/a

friends – amigos/as

your – vuestros/as

know – conocer

very – muy

well – bien

Estudia los ejemplos:

It’s us, your friends! (Inglés informal)

It is we, the King and the Queen. (Inglés formal)

(it’s us = it is we)

Look at us!

Can you recognize us?

You know us very well.


Aprende las palabras:

them – ellos/as

horse – caballo

win – ganar

winner – ganador/a

behold – observar

knight – caballero

support – apoyar

fan – fan

of – de

Estudia los ejemplos:

Look at the horse and the boy.

It’s them who are the winners! (Inglés informal)

Behold the knights!

It is they who are the winners! (Inglés formal)

(it’s them = it is they)

I know them.

Do you support them?

I am a fan of them.

Revisión: Unidades 8—14

Elige la palabra correcta entre paréntesis.

1. It’s (me, I). (Inglés informal)

2. It is (me, I) (Inglés formal)

3. Look at (me, I)!

4. Can you see (me, I) in the mirror?

5. Can you recognize (me, I) in the mask?

6. I can see and hear (you, me, I), but I cannot recognize you.

7. It is (he, him)! (Inglés informal)

8. Can you disobey (he, him)?

9. Yes, I can argue with (he, him).

10. It is (she, her). (Inglés formal)

11. Do you like (she, her)?

12. I admire (she, her).

13. She does not look like (she, her).

14. Ask (she, her) who she is!

15. It is a cute monkey. Do you like (him, her, it)?

16. It’s (we, us), your friends! (Inglés informal)

17. Look at (we, us)!

18. Can you recognize (we, us)?

19. It is (they, them) who are the winners! (Inglés formal)

20. I know (they, them).

21. Do you support (they, them)?

22. I am a fan of (they, them).


1. It’s me.

2. It is I.

3. Look at me!

4. Can you see me in the mirror?

5. Can you recognize me in the mask?

6. I can see and hear you, but I cannot recognize you.

7. It is him!

8. Can you disobey him?

9. Yes, I can argue with him.

10. It is she.

11. Do you like her?

12. I admire her.

13. She does not look like her.

14. Ask her who she is!

15. It is a cute monkey. Do you like it?

16. It’s us, your friends!

17. Look at us!

18. Can you recognize us?

19. It is they who are the winners!

20. I know them.

21. Do you support them?

22. I am a fan of them.

This, that, these, those

Las palabras this, that, these y those son pronombres demostrativos. También se pueden usar como adjetivos demostrativos.

This/that woman

Aprende las palabras:

this – este/a

that – ese/a

the – el/la

here – aquí

there – allí

another – otro/a

Estudia los ejemplos:

This is a woman.

The woman is here.

She is here.

This woman is here.

That is another woman.

The woman is there.

She is there.

That woman is there.

This/that dog

Aprende las palabras:

dog – perro

Estudia los ejemplos:

This is a dog.

The dog is here.

It is here.

This dog is here.

That is another dog.

The dog is there.

It is there.

That dog is there.

This/that ball

Aprende las palabras:

ball – pelota

Estudia los ejemplos:

This is a ball.

The ball is here.

It is here.

This ball is here.

That is another ball.

The ball is there.

It is there.

That ball is there.

These/those people

Aprende las palabras:

these – estos/as

those – esos/as

two – dos

nearby – cerca

run – correr

running – corriendo

other – otro/a

far – lejos

away – lejos

far away – muy lejos

walk – caminar

walking – caminando

Estudia los ejemplos:

These are people.

Two people are nearby.

They are running.

These people are running.

Those are two other people.

They are far away.

They are walking.

Those people are walking.

These/those horses

Aprende las palabras:

horses – caballos

stand – estar de pie

standing – estar de pie

Estudia los ejemplos:

These are horses.

The horses are nearby.

They are running.

These horses are running.

Those are other horses.

The horses are far away.

They are standing.

Those horses are standing.

These/those books

Aprende las palabras:

book – libro

books – libros

on – sobre

table – mesa

on the table – sobre la mesa

shelf – estantería

shelves – estanterías

on the shelves – sobre las estanterías

Estudia los ejemplos:

These are books.

The books are here.

They are on the table.

These books are on the table.

Those are other books.

The books are there.

They are on the shelves.

Those books are on the shelves.

Revisión: Unidades 15—20

Usa this, that, thesethose para completar las oraciones.

1. __________ ball is here.

2. __________ people are running. They are nearby.

3. __________ people are walking. They are far away.

4. __________ dog is there.

5. __________ horses are running. They are nearby.

6. __________ woman is here.

7. __________ ball is there.

8. __________ horses are standing. They are far away.

9. __________ dog is here.

10. __________ books are on the table. They are here.

11. __________ books are on the shelves. They are there.

12. __________ woman is there.


1. This ball is here.

2. These people are running. They are nearby.

3. Those people are walking. They are far away.

4. That dog is there.

5. These horses are running. They are nearby.

6. This woman is here.

7. That ball is there.

8. Those horses are standing. They are far away.

9. This dog is here.

10. These books are on the table. They are here.

11. Those books are on the shelves. They are there.

12. That woman is there.

My/mine, your/yours, his, her/hers, its, our/ours, their/theirs

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

На этой странице вы можете прочитать онлайн книгу «Pronombres en inglés con ejemplos», автора Artsun Akopyan. Данная книга имеет возрастное ограничение 12+, относится к жанрам: «Учебная литература», «Руководства».. Книга «Pronombres en inglés con ejemplos» была издана в 2019 году. Приятного чтения!