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Head of State: The Bestselling Brexit Thriller

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Head of State: The Bestselling Brexit Thriller

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2018 год


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О книге

POWER.CORRUPTION.CONSPIRACY.BUSINESS AS USUAL.Two corpses. A country on the edge of a political precipice. A conspiracy so bold it would make Machiavelli wince.The first novel from Britain’s most celebrated political commentator is a gleefully twisted take on what goes on behind the door of 10 Downing Street.Andrew Marr’s first novel is a darkly comic tale of murder and skulduggery, played out at the very heart of Downing Street against the backdrop of a crucial, once-in-a-generation referendum.Making full use of his unrivalled inside knowledge of the British political scene, Marr has created a sparkling entertainment, a wholly original depiction of Westminster and its denizens, and a fascinating, irreverent glimpse behind the parliamentary curtain.

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