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The Three Musketeers

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The Three Musketeers

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2018 год


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О книге

Three musketeers. Two enemies. One major battle.’‘All for one and one for all!’Country boy d'Artagnan is desperate to join the King's elite band of bodyguards, the Musketeers. And when his fiery loyalties (which often get him into trouble) and incredible sword skill (which get him out again) manages to impress brash Porthos, foppish Aramis and melancholy Athos, the three musketeers and d'Artagnan become friends for life.When they discover that the King they protect is under threat, the Musketeers must outwit the scheming Cardinal Richelieu and the seductive spy Milady – encountering adventure, friendship, romance and intrigue along the way – in order to save France from destruction. But could a deadly secret be the death of them all?

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